Happy 2010 For Each And EVERY one of you!
Uploaded at: Dec 31, 2009, view count: 2801
Happy new year for each and everyone of you! I hope that this will be
the best year for all of you! I can't just ignore 2010, although it's not a jewish new year I will try to conclude this year my friends. Where should I start? 2009... there are things I regret, there are things I wish I could have done better, there are things I wish I could make a change - make a difference. From the last couple of days I learned new things and it was... I just wish I could make a change - help other people, make people understand how we can make things... better...! I mean... I have heard different points of view that just motivated me to make some more... writing applications maybe helps but I just wish I could make use of it to help other people that really needs it. I believe that one man can make a difference.
2009 For Me:
- Missing my old friends, time has passed..
- Getting to know more people.
- Doing homework.
- Learned new programming languages.
- Upgrading the website.
- Developing applications.
- Playing guitar.
- Skating.
- Making a new skate video.
- Understanding more about myself.
- Got the "c't" magazine with my application in it!
- Dreaming about an Xbox 360 (-: !
- Last school year!
- being 18 soon - seems strange for me...!
There are many many more things but hi (-: it's not a blog!
HAPPY 2010!