Here is a short video that demonstrates the robot battle between the blue team (team MDR) and the red team (team Nemex).David (my friend) controlled his team blue robot and I controlled the red robot ("nBot") . We wore on a seperate room, and we could only see the live webcam stream of each robot.

The blue robot had some issues, but we still managed to capture a short video clip. We also had some slow connection issues (54Mbps router).

I would like to thank spic0m for uploading the nBot videos to their website:
I really appreciate what you have done...! thank you so much!

Short Robot-Battle - Team MDR Vs. Team Nemex

I also decided to upload a video that shows the ShakeCube application being used with the Nokia N95, so here it is:

ShakeCube application demonstration

First Nemex Shirts On Earth Inspired By The nBot:

Enjoy the rest of your week!
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