Software information


WordPlacer is a word complete editor, which means you can add a list of words and replace them just by choosing the word you want in the selection.
Comments (1)
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By ELIAN, at Sep 6, 2012
Hi again! Usefull. But i don't like the fact to delete the words (in left panel) to add. You should hold the words, and save and import the list. Another thing is the logo, it too big. I'll try yo put to the rigth of the space that acupe the menu bar and the tool bar. And it cost me a litle few minuts understand the way that the program work (to be the kind of program that it's). Well nothing more. Have a good day.
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About this software
  • Downloads: 3515
  • Uploaded at: Jul 24, 2009
  • Comments: 1
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